Centre Picasso – Horta de Sant Joan

The Picasso Centre in Horta intends to be a permanent homage to Picasso and tries to gather as faithful as possible a reproduction of all the works that the artist created in Horta which immortalized this town. The visitor and the scholar will find, this, a reliable testimony of the deep bonds which tie the great artist to this land, bonds which he himself synthesized in the famous sentence:


I learnt everything I know in Horta de Ebro


It was there where it all began... There I realized how far I could go.

Picasso to Pierre Daix

This region is admirable. I like it very much and the route I took to come here is very similar to the Overland Route in Far West.

Picasso, in a letter to Leo Stein. Written in Horta de Ebro in 1909

My purest emotions have been experienced in a great Spanish forest (the Ports of Horta) where, at sixteen, I had retired to paint.

Picasso, Horta de Ebro, 1898

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